How to Adjust Your Joints for Long Distance Running

Running 2 Miles Daily

When you are running long distances, it is important that your joints are in the correct position. This will help to prevent pain and injuries. We will discuss how to adjust your joints for long distance running. We will also provide a tutorial from physical therapy Des Moines on how to run 2 miles daily without any pain or problems!

The first thing that you need to do is make sure that your hips are in the correct position. When your hips are in the correct position, it will be easier for you to maintain a good running posture. To check if your hips are in the correct position, try standing with your feet hip-width apart and parallel to each other. Then, press down into the ground with your heels and lift up your toes. If your hips are in the correct position, you should be able to balance on one leg without any problems.

Physical Therapy Des Moines

If you find that you cannot balance on one leg, then it means that your hips are not in the correct position. You can adjust them by tightening or loosening your glutes until you are able to balance on one leg.

Once you have adjusted your hips, you need to make sure that your shoulders are in the correct position. To do this, stand with your feet hip-width apart and parallel to each other. Then, lift your arms up so that they are parallel to the ground. Next, press down into the ground with your heels and lift up your toes. If your shoulders are in the correct position, you should be able to hold this position for at least five seconds.

If you find that you cannot hold this position for at least five seconds, then it means that your shoulders are not in the correct position. You can adjust them by tightening or loosening your shoulder muscles until you are able to hold the position for at least five seconds.